Monday, March 31


i realised after high school life maining a balance is really really really really hard.
i mean its difficult to maintain a mental balance between work, studies, family, friends and above all some "me-time"...

c'mon... tell me i'm not the only one.
i wake up, do my work... eat... drive to class...have lunch...more class... come home... do more work... and my "body battery" is sure to be empty by midnight.
i hardly *scratch that* rarely see my friends...
talking to my family is even harder...
dont even wanna start on the "quality me time"...

i always start off maintaining the balance...
and slowly edging off the scale a few months down the road.
den i go all stressed out... lack of sleep... and go whacko!

yeaa... it happens every few months.

recently, after realising "ITS GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN!!!"...
i started goin back to temple...dharma classes.
involve in camp stuff...
so... yea..
i may be tired (physically) coz theres more to do...
but it does keep my perspective right...
being with the bunch of dharma friends help keep my brain working properly and mentally SANE...

i guess its time like tis you turn to find the very essence of life itself.
living for myself.
guess i'll always be happier tat way.

i may nt be a know it all when it comes to buddhism or the theory of it...
but i'm glad to know... i know the direction of it and the "main points"...


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