Tuesday, June 2



I’m 21 today.


Do I feel extra older?


Do I feel more like an official adults?


The thing about birthdays, it’s never so much about ME.
I’d never expect it to be.

My birthday to me is more about 2 very important people in my life.
The 2 person whom has tolerated my antics & temper, my weird burst & blue moments…

The 2 person whom if I were in their shoes, would’ve kicked my behind ages ago and dumped me in the trashcan!!

Daddy Mommy.

When I was younger, I’d be so angry at my mom.
For 1 very simple reason.
She forgets my birthday.

But as I grow older, I realize how “forgetting my birthday” actually reflects how great a mother she is to me.
My mom is a mother of 4 and when she was pregnant with me, she was aged 38.

For a woman to have a child at this age is very difficult. But she went through with it anyways.

Giving birth is never an easy thing. In fact, god knows how excruciating the pain must have been to give birth. I do not. But when the pain of cutting my finger accidentally would’ve drive me to tears, I couldn’t imagine what mom when through to bring me to this world.

With hours of being in labor & hard work, the blood, the sweat, the pain… and lastly… the stitches. *ouch* One can only imagine how much pain my existence had caused her. How much she had went through to ensure that I came to this world, healthy & safe.

And the beautiful part of it?
She did not remember the date of that painful day.
She did not hold grudges. She forgave me for causing her so much agony. She loved me.
She is my mother.

Daddy was always my pillar of support. Every since I was a kid, I was “daddy’s girl”.

Dad taught me knotting & camping. Dad taught me carpentry. I was pretty much a tom boy when I was a kid.
Whenever we traveled long distance, dads always entertain my random, annoying questions on the road.

“Pa, why this car number start with C wan?”
“Dee, why the road got orange bag hanging there wan? Catch what wan?”
Dad would always explain to me. Doesn’t matter how many times I asked him.

I asked him so often that I know by heart the car number plates and their states even before I studied Geography.

peRlis – R
Kedah – K
Kelantan – D
Terengganu – T
Penang – P
PerAk – A
Selangor – B
KL – W
Negri sembilan – N
Melacca – M
Johor – J
Pahang – C

I’d always forget where the number plate C come from.
Dad would say, “C is from Pahang lo… like you, Caryn.”

Dad coped with me growing up. Learning to be a girl.
As much as he hoped I’m still the girl with jeans & hoodie jackets. He had to accept that I was growing up.
I remember seeing him trying to buy me a skirt once, he chosen the most hideous pink skirt. I remember sulking away, and I refuse to wear the skirt.
I’m pretty sure he was quite hurt. Buying smthg for me, and I did not like it.

But the PINK incident was like a “you-and-me” legend, every since then he did not buy me pink stuff anymore. He started to accustom himself with my closet, and only choose pink, fluffy stuff to tease me…

daddy & mommy sayangs me.
Both in their own way.
For 21 years, they’ve put up with everything I threw at them.
From changing my diapers to teaching me to read, from telling me stories & histories to putting up with my boyfriends & breakups; from my bratty tantrums to my ridiculous mood swings.

Seriously, if I were in their shoes, I’d kick my behind so hard I’d disown myself by now.

:) so Happy Birthday to me.
& thank you daddy mommy.

I love you. <3

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