Saturday, June 20


i read this post from v's blog.

maybe i perasan la...
but i tink she blogged about me...

sometime i'm jealous.
she has this really great personal blog.
where she jus blogs bout every little thing that happens in her life.
from going out to meet friends, to buying new shoes, even .... a haircut!
and so many ppl would actually drop by and support her.
probably cause she's really active in online forums.
hence she has alot of great online friends.

but v in person.
is really really shy.
she has this really small voice, and she always lowers her head whenever she talks to people.
I use to always have this urge, this instant feeling like "i have to protect her".
cause she seems to soft & demure.
but as I got to know her.
she aint as weak as she thinks.
she mayb soft spoken, sum might think she's naive.
but we're actually alot the same.

we just prefer to think the best of a person , not the worst.
even if we get hurt, it doesnt mean that the whole world is evil.
I gav up on believing in people a long time ago.
but v .... she is very determine.

she always calls herself "angel".
at some point, it feels like she is my angel.

she's very caring, and very observant.
she may not speak alot.
but thats just her.

at the end of the day, arent we all jus simple people?
everyone just wants to be accepted.
for who they really are.


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