Sunday, November 1

webmailing on a sunday

i dun usually check my mails on Sundays.

but today i did.
and i saw this mail which i immediately clicked on it.

My Last Tips & Reminder by II
Every time someone asks me what I like the most about LB, I would answer, "The people". And it's still true. I love each and everyone in LB, down to the cleaners and tea lady. But sometimes, you have to let go of the things you love, for whatever reasons. As for me, I'm going to see what the world has to offer and try to be a better person. I have every intention of coming back, though. If not as an employee, I would do so as a friend.

And oh, for my tips and reminder, I have only one. To keep love in your hearts, to understand other people's point of views instead of just your own, and to respect the people around you, whether they are the toilet cleaner or the Prime Minister.

tears welled up as i read thru the long email.
gosh i missed him.

we were talking the other day, a few of us on Friday. That a teammate & II won't be around in the office anymore starting next week. It's really depressing as these people were one of the handful of sincere true ppl around. People that tell it as it is. People that wouldn't be afraid to say things straight.

To meet people like these in an office setting is really difficult. Thankfully, they're not the only ones, office environment at LB ain't half that bad. Just that... it's depressing nonetheless.

To the man to 1st brought me around the office. Who brought me to my place and introduced me around the office. To the man to offered to "tour me around" when ppl say i was a SMI. To a hell of a stand in copywriter. To the most entertaining brand coordinator i've met. haha. happy days. I miss him.

As for her, i'd truly wished her all the best. May she learn to trust herself and love herself more. May she spread her wings and truly take in what the world has to offer. May she be all that she is and never ever doubt her own self. May she learn and grow and finally achieve all that she has set out to conquer.

Bon voyage my dears friends.

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